So I just typed out my whole birth story and then little Jacob hit my laptop with his hand and it clicked on an ad and when I clicked back it was gone!!! And I can't retrieve it!!! So I think I'll just post what I wrote to my June birth community. I don't have the patience right now to type it out again. I typed out a shorter version for them. Anyways, Jacob is 16 days old now and such a cutie. I love being a mom, but at the same time it is harder than I have ever imagined. He is so demanding! Breastfeeding is going well, and he weighs 9lbs 12oz. He is up 2oz from his birth weight. He has grown 6.5cm since birth as well in length. He is a big boy! Jake has a little case of baby acne at the moment, but that should clear up. And still has a bit of dry skin, but that is common in overdue babies. Here are a few pictures we have taken over the last week, and the shortened birth story.
He's here!!! Jacob Nolan D was born on July 5th 2008 at 8:08pm, 10 days overdue. He weighed 9lbs 10oz and measured 21 inches. I was induced at 9am that morning. At 2pm my water broke a small amount on it's own, and the contractions started getting painful. I am a big wimp and definitely thought I was going to have to get an epidural, but I am very proud of the way I handled myself and didn't need one. I used laughing gas to breathe through the contractions, and had my mom and boyfriend there for emotional support.
At 7pm I was 7 cm and finally needed something more for pain so they gave me a drug that started with a V, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called (any help?) Anyways, it helped edge the pain off. It started wearing off around 7:30, and they checked and I was 8cm.
Just before 8:00 I had a really long strong contraction that didn't fit the pattern I had. I'm talking the worst pain I've ever felt in my life, and it lasted FOREVER. I started bawling my eyes out, and all of a sudden there were about 10 nurses/doctors around me, Craig and my mom were gone, and it was like a scene out of ER. They were twisting me into so many different positions, put an internal moniter on my baby, and it was very scary. The baby's heartbeat dropped rapidly.
They called the main OB and all I remember is him saying "we need to get this baby out now, she needs a c-section" They were literally putting on their gear while running me down to the main operating room, and I had to be knocked out, Craig couldn't be in the room with me, and it was just horrible. It was the scariest thing I've ever gone through, So emergency c-section it was. I woke up in so much pain from the operation, and really loopy. Craig brought the baby in to see me right away, but I wasn't able to hold him and it was just really frusturating.
The reason Jacob's heartbeat dropped was because my placenta detached from my wall. That was what happened when I had that really strong sharp contraction. I lost a lot of blood, and had to stay in the hospital for 5 days, but Jake is healthy and that's all that matters. He is such a big baby!!! I am a small girl, I only weighed 100lbs before I got pregnant, I can't believe something that big was inside of me. We are recovering nicely at home.
We are the proudest parents! haha