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[The device clatters to the ground, accompanied by a harsh breath, a hand coming in to view. Seemingly blind groping about ensues, an effort that is somewhat hampered by the... flowers. Everywhere.]
- amnit.
[Unaware the device is on, the hand finally gets a hold of the device, and a flash of pale hair, a smudge of blood
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Where are you?!
Four o'clock off Misery Square.
I trust you can find it.
[Because coughing up a lung or no, you deserve a cane punch for that boot to the head.
- even if Gilbert may not remember it.]
[He's going to come and get you. Because the coughing? Not such a good thing.
He arrives a few minutes later at a dead run.]
Moments ago, he'd been in Sharon's arms, medical treatment eminent- though he knew the symptoms would quiet soon enough, until they did... It meant that when Gil arrived, it's to Break slumped against the wall of building four, gloved hand over his mouth and red stains creeping along the palm.
Relying on more sound than sight, at the sound of someone running full tilt Break whirls to potentially defend himself- until he recognizes the gait, the voice.
He manages to school his gaze flat- but it doesn't last, because when he opens his mouth to speak, he coughs in to his hand again, a wet, hacking sound.]
What the hell happened here?
- That is for kicking me.
[No, it really, really matters, but neither Gilbert nor Oz will remember now, will they? Frustrating, City, frustrating.
He wipes the blood from his chin with a disgusted noise.]
- You, Oz, Elliot. That's it, still?
Yeah. That's it still.
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