Who's This? Mr. Balloons! Mr. Ballons Hands! No Way! No Way! Get Real!

Aug 05, 2008 01:38

So it's been 3 months, hasn't it?
I've been so caught up in... everything lately.
If you paid any attention at all to my last post, I am a famous cartoonist now, did you even know that? Bet you fuckers didn't even know that shit! How famous can I be if you guys don't know!? That doesn't make any sense!
You might know me by my well known moniker "Knave Murdok" or possibly by my other alias as a recording artist "Hilary Duff."
So I've been saying this all up and down the internet, but my fame and fortune has brought me tooooo WonderCon! It's taking place this February, the 22nd through the 24th, and I'll be there... signing autographs, selling T-Shirts and prints and doing sketches, kissing hands and shaking babies.
i KNOW earlier in the year I was saying I was gonna be at ComicCon and I WASN'T... but trust me on this one, I actually thought this one through!

In other news, I've been learning valuable lessons on the subject of people being bitches, after leading you to believe they were all cool but then they weren't? Does that sound familiar? I'm sure it's something that we've all dealt with in the past, but the difference between you guys and ME is that I don't LEARN from my mistakes, so ... THAT'S fun.

Would you like to talk about cave paintings? Like paleolithic cave paintings? like 30,000 B.C.E. cave paintings? I do! That's all I really feel like talking about anymore, I always work that shit into conversation nowadays! I wrote a big ol' thesis on 'em for class and I'm super proud of it. They're a hard thing to write about, because there are no first hand accounts of them that date back that far! I suppose I could just get off my lazy ass and finish my time machine, go back in time and ASK some caveman what he was thinking when he painted that eviscerated buffalo running over that bird headed man with the giant penis... and then I could ponder where I went wrong as I lay bleeding on the forest floor, after having my skull bashed in with a rock, as my Paleolithic friends ran off shrieking into the sunset.
Then cave paintings would be very different, they'd depict me coming out of my smoking time machine, and then me without a head... then kids form this era would have a lot more to write about in their essays.

So anyway... keep reading my comic guys, in case you've forgotten how to scroll DOWN and look at the previous post which housed my URL, I'll reproduce it for you right here.
Help make me more famous than Miley Cyrus and Jesus Christ combined!
And don't forget WonderCon, February you bastards! Be there or kindly be squared... that is to say you will be multiplied by yourself. THEN what will happen? I look forward to finding out!
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