Sep 14, 2003 22:11
Circus baby tricks my 11 month old preforms:
Upon being queried to her age, she holds up her index finger.
She knows that birds flap their wings and will do so when prompted.
She knows to say "thank you" when you hand her something. It sounds like "ta-ta".
If she she sees a dog in a book she will pant.
She knows a hand signal for "more" and uses it often.
Upon fitting the correct shape in the bi-lingual cookie jar, she holds her arms up to signify "touchdown".
She knows how to feed the dogs and does so out of humor.
She has learned that she can control the weather by pulling the little knob on top of the tub spogot.
She has mastered the stairs literaly forwards and backwards.
She can blow her dad kisses when he drops her off at daycare