New Year's Resolutions 2010

Jan 05, 2010 23:35

01. Finish writing the new novel!*
02. Get a publishing deal!**
03. I need me some bromance!***
04. Be more emotionally open!****
05. Spend less time online!*****
06. Draw more!******
07. Read more!*******
08. See more arthouse films!********
09. Quit work!*********
10. Possibly move to London!**********

*Shouldn't be a problem...
**OK, that's one kinda out of my hands, but still.
***Except with actual sex, like.
****Apparently that's a problem I have.
*****Though more time on Livejournal, you gorgeous fuckers.
******I've been dreadfully lazy about that, my bad.
*******Got 86 unread books on my shelves.
********My Cineworld card is good for blockbusters, but a disincentive for indie flicks.
*********Partly dependent on prospective book deal, but the time has come to say goodbye to retail.
**********Finances allowing, folks.
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