Things Wot I've Been Doin An' Stuff

Mar 12, 2009 14:50

A much needed haircut:

A Thingboxerian English visitor:

A ravishing artistic muse:

I've also been amusing myself with making Suede "albums" out of their AMAZING b-sides* for my iPod.
If bands today** had to knock out 3 or 4 b-sides per single, they'd have spunked their creative load by album number two.
There are only a handful of really great bands whose b-sides matched their singles and album tracks, and Suede is one of them.

My favourite moment of the past three working weeks has been an old farmer type buying discounted 3D gay porn (minus the necessary glasses to render the images eye-popping) sandwiched between a Gaelic football book and a hurling annual.

*Ask your older brother.
**Grand-dad alert. "Next he'll be quoting Paul Weller," they groan.
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