May 05, 2011 11:53

kiroii_niji is a community for Mr. "I'm a Good-Looking GUY", Ninomiya Kazunari, active member of the popular Japanese Group Arashi, under Johnny's Agency. All post will be Kazu-centered, with very little Arashi moments, all year round. None of us claim that Nino is the best there is, but excuse us for flailing over him in a non-conventional way.

Currently KN has different parts of posting.

☆ Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday are for regular posting - solo photo of Nino. These days are usually the posting access for me (Meg), Jamie, Anna, and/or Guest uploader.

☆ Tuesdays can be a special day to post OTP of your choice with Nino - Sakumiya, Matsumiya, Ohnimya, Aimiya/NinoAi, this also known as Tomaodachi Tuesday. This day is also used for greeting an Arashi member celebrating his birthday.

☆ Wednesdays, currently make way to a guessing game that started on January 2013. Gimmick Game was the decided name for this with the obvious reason (Nino's hot solo). A photo is posted that hides the faces of Arashi members or shows only a part of their bodies, the KN members have to guess which of those is actually Nino. There are Five levels of difficulty - 1 being the easiest and 5 the highest.

☆ Fridays are posting access for Crystal, a free day wherein pictures with Arashi can be posted, given that Nino is not missing from the photo^^.

☆ Saturdays and Sundays, also known as Weekend post, are the days for the queen of weekend Angela.

☆ On special occasions, like Nino-month, members are given an opportunity to become a guest uploader of the community, or when members request to have posting access. PM Meg for posting access.

Simple steps to enter neverland

- You can leave a comment here.
- Click JOIN button
- Not really a rule but comment is appreciated.

Put ambulance on your speed dial; members can experience nosebleed, loss of consciousness, and go crazy in this side of town. We are not responsible to any of it, though we intend to bring them to all members.

New KN Guidelines (for both new and old posters)

Standard posting format:

1. Indicate the day as the title (Day 01 etc.), and nothing else.
2. Day# is also indicated at the top-most part of the entry, with large font size (~Day 01~), bold, and color of your choice.
3. For uniformity and organization of each post, both day# and first picture must be centered align.
4. Say something about your post, a single sentence would do. Don't leave anything blank.
5. Tag your post accordingly; we have previous tags that can be used, but you may add a tag only when they don't fit from the previous ones.
6. Credit your sources or put a disclaimer that the photo/scan is not originally yours.
7. All post must be member-locked.

Photo/gif/video format:

1. All 1st pictures must be at least 320px but not exceeding portrait: 400px in width; landscape: 400px in height - higher px tend to break on viewing page.
2. We allow not more than 2 photos/gifs under the cut, but still following the same size mentioned above.

* Make sure to follow these posting rules to avoid overlapping photos and cluttered posts, which happened a few times already.


- *kn_mod is solely for moderators use only.
- Tomodachi Tuesdays and Free Friday are used on the stated days Tuesdays and Fridays.
- Gimmick Game tag is used for the guessing game that the community is holding currently every Wednesday of the week. The mechanics of the game is to guess which is Nino from the photo posted.
- All entry must be tagged 365 days year two (yes we are on our second year)
- Tag the type of post you are making: gif, mp3, photoshop, scan, screencaps, video; for easy sorting. Other helpful tags can be found here to give you an idea on what has been used so far.
- For all members who will post only on a particular day please use *uploader: guest. We accept guest uploaders on any given day, all year round, feel free to PM the moderators.


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