yea... so i tried doing my ol work out regime today.. after like... vegetating all weekend.. dint do shit but sleep yesterday.. barely ate.. worked out this morning after breakfast.. then after the work out... did cool down, stretches, curl up etc.. was really breathin hard.. took a shower.. then right after the shower, threw up all of my breakfast
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If you just want your lungs to get healthier, choose anything that requires heavy breathing. I alternate between jogging, basketball and suicides in an empty basketball court. Start off the first week or two by going until your out of breath, then move on to whatever exercise you want and pace your breathing. You'll be able to go longer each time, and your lungs will start getting used to the breathing.
I was jogging everyday in the beginning and noticed i couldnt breath after five minutes or so. After a week i coughed up junk after a jog but was already breathing better and actually felt my lungs clearing up. I caught myself not wanting to smoke after awhile. Lungs are starting to come back abit.
Lifting after this cardio is up to you, but as long as you do it on a regular basis(even small amounts) you'll start to notice a difference. Quitting smoking gets me to sleep and wake up alot easier too. Theres an easier weight lifting method that uses short bursts of breath so you dont hold ur breath and crap but thats too long and i want to stop typing
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