5 days worth of posting

May 25, 2006 10:57

Lots of things happen in five days. Like you needed me to tell you!

Dad's finishing off unfinished business such as getting rid of the house. :-(. 22 years is a long time to leave behind. 
So any last minute visitors, please tapko by Saturday night, Sunday is moving out day and all! 
Hard day's night is my movie of choice for the week. I love British humor, it's so intelligent. No slapstick, nothing, just pure brilliance. 
Sunday was spent most fruitfully. That is doing nothing, going over to cousin's for Lunch and staying till dinner, eating icecream at Carter Road, nice! 
My uncle is back too, so moving will begin piece by piece soon enough. 
GERMANY TICKETS BABY! YEAH!! I'm off on the 5th early morning from Delhi, so I'll probably get lost from here on the 4th itself. Awesome, I'm really kicked. Hope to catch some meat and football amongst other things.

Tuesday, went to Alliance for a French movie. Movie got nowhere, and subtitles were slightly missing at times. Not much of a story, one of those random movies about, well randomness. I guess I should have expected it from a  movie called "Everything is ok, I'll go now"!!!! Anyway, it dealt with this dad who was losing his memory and came back to his 3 daughters who he had abandoned 15 years before. Felt slightly like deja-vu, after having spent years with my late grand mom!

Went later for dinner to dad's schoolmate's place. I grew up with his schoolmate's kids and now I hardly see them. It's amazing how different we end up, even though we grow up together. I somehow think of myself as an outsider in that group of friends.

Wednesday was nice! Met Amu at Bombay's coolest hang out place, Wadala Road platform No. 1. I mean it doesn't get cooler than that! Spent a fun 30 minutes and then proceeded to miss my train, which didn't really matter, the next one was equally empty. Later that evening, it was Partho's "Satellite-township-hangout", or for more sane people, his new house in Vashi. Vashi station rocks. So does hanging out and eating chips, listening to loud classic rock and chatting.

To all parents out there: Don't doubt your kids if they haven't given you any reason to! Be happy if they're happy!

It's one year today since Sush's mom. Don't know what to say.
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