Jun 03, 2009 16:29
It’s been one short year since Uberbyte stormed the world with their debut, “SIC”. Many were quick to cite the similarities between this UK troupe and a certain Combichrist, and it’s a comparison that still occasionally holds true with “DOS”. Uberman’s ‘grumble to a scream’ vocals are without a doubt catchy, yet the boisterous ”Under The Cross”, with its piercing staccato synth and malefic mechanical stomp, certainly relapses into such terrain. However, while remaining damned heavy, Uberbyte have made quite a bit of progress. Slyly snagging excerpts of Samuel Jackson from “Pulp Fiction”, the whizzing and clicking stomp “Say What??” proves that Uberman’s incensed, hoarse growl is equally effective as his bellowed rage. Built upon a defiant title-checking sample, the stuttering bass and zipping lead synths of “Ich Will Tanzen” is a playful take on heavy oldschool rave could be described as a more marketable Modulate. “DOS” also manages to incorporate humor without traipsing into ridiculousness, as proven by the Cthulhlu-invoking chants of the tribal and crunchy “Aeon”, as well as the squealing and skittering American Psycho tribute “Dissect”. “DOS” certainly surpasses their debut, and though Uberbyte haven’t quite shaken their influences, they’re certainly heading in the right direction.
(VM: 8)VM.