Nov 17, 2011 17:01
EDIT // I will only make these cards if I have a minimum of 10 requests. Current status: Not reached.
HEY Y'ALL! Is it that time of year already? Some of you might remember me making a post with a form for holiday cards last year and I've decided to do it again! I ask for nothing in return. I just love to make cards and send mail to people hehe (: Of course, feel free to send me something of your own if you'd like. This little "event" thing is open to all my friendsies from LJ, Twitter, forums, anything! Simply fill in your name and address (and optional sections if you want it to be more customized) and expect a little something-something in the mail come December. So what are you waiting for? GO GO SSING~
Things you like:
Colors you like:
Name/Nickname/Username: PIMP C (Pim Young)
Address: 1337 street st., city, state, zip, country (if overseas)
*Things you like: (be specific --> food cupcakes) my dog Mario, beef jerky, cloudy days, spicy food, micky mouse
*Colors you like: gray, white (for now...)
*Comments?: Easy right? Everything except the name and address are optional. If you fill out the bare minimum, I guarantee you will get a very cliche green&red holiday-esque card. Come on people, give me somethin' to work with here!
*Those marked with an asterisk (*) are optional.
**KPOP chingoos! Please list groups you stan and biases, kay? (:
The comments in this post are screened for privacy reasons, duh.
If you're looking at this post and don't have an LJ, simply DM me on twitter (@freenapkins) or message me on facebook if you have me added.
! holiday cards 2011,