Jun 09, 2010 20:00
I've been reading the Joe Hill book Heart-shaped Box over the last few nights. It's the first horror book that actually made me pick up the phone to see what happened to someone who was running late!
Swann's Way is an early in the day book, especially when I'm in the mood for French Fellow Obsessing Over Woman Who's Just Not Into Him. According to Stanza, I'm 70% into my upward climb. It's safe to say that I'm not ever going to make it all the way through the whole series.
In FFVIII, I'm still playing the Triple Triad card game. If I ever have to go to Trabia again to abolish the rules I'm going to practice by smashing my head
into a cheesecake repeatedly first. Note to Selphie's Friend: You could've been helpful in a much more timely manner.
Now, if I can get the Queen of Cards to move to Dollet instead of Galbadia like she wants, then I'll be halfway through her quest. Somehow, I'm under the illusion that I play videogames to relax. I must be insane for thinking this much aggravation is relaxing.