(no subject)

Jul 15, 2009 06:30

My bosslady sent out an email asking for weekly schedules. Apparently, we graduate students are expected to sit at our desks 40 hours a week. This is a little absurd. I get paid for 20, and I know that we are expected to work more than 40, which I do, but seriously? Often times I like to work from home or go in late, etc. This policy had me really worried. I'm worried now because I don't want some one coming by my desk and wondering where I am not there. What if I need to run an errand or go to the gym.

I am sitting separate from the lab. I sit in a building all by my lonesome, no one else from the lab is around. The lab ran out of space so I got shipped off. So, if some one wants to pop in on me they will have to walk across campus to do so. I think this is unlikely to happen often, if even at all. I was told to leave notes on my desk saying where I am if I step out!!! I really feel like this level of micromanaging is ridiculous.

Maybe once I prove myself people will relax a little?
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