The Cure for Academic Malaise is Porn

Sep 05, 2012 11:22

I've spent the past few weeks in a frenzy of chapter revisions, in the churning out of cvs and cover letters, and in the wrangling of reference letter writers. It is not very happy-making. But you know what is a great palate cleanser? Writing 2000k of femslash porn.

Someone requested "Phedre/Ysandre- caning" over at the femslash kinkmeme and I was all too happy to oblige. Because I have always shipped them a little. And while Ysandre the perfect queen kind of bores me, Ysandre the conflicted, contradictory woman whose absolute-power-is-perhaps-starting-to-corrupt-her-a-little is deuced interesting. Before embarking on my most recent dissertation chapter, I also felt the need to express myself by making the pornographies. Have I mentioned my thesis is on celibacy? Let's not read too much into why this makes me feel better.

Title: At the Pleasure of the Queen
Fand​om: Kushiel's Legacy
Pairing: Phedre/Ysandre
Summary: After the events of Kushiel's Avatar, Ysandre burns with Kushiel's fire.

I also got stamped by the lovely folks over at kushielstamping

I am super-duper Montreve. Not very surprised. And the pictures are lovely. Though in my headcanon, Delaunay is some unholy mashup of the Vicomte de Valmont from Les Liasons Dangereuses and Thomas Jefferson. Monticello/Montreve? Redheaded genius? Inapropriate romantic relationships with bondspeople? The resemblances are uncanny.

femslash, house pride, fic, kink, kushiel

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