
Jun 19, 2013 12:33

I thought this post, "The Silencing of Catelyn Stark" expressed perfectly many of the feelings I (and others) have had regarding how the tv writers have chosen to portray Catelyn's character.( Riffing on Catelyn Stark and Skyler White Syndrome... )

feminist critiques, fic, game of thrones, writing, breaking bad

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Comments 9

kith_koby June 19 2013, 20:49:15 UTC
Fully agreed with you once more on Catelyn. In the books she was amazing, in the TV show she was shrewish. Of course, the entire Northern side was incredibly stupid in the show, especially compared to the books... but that doesn't excuse it.

So, for Entr'acte - 1,2, 10 and 14, and for Sell Your Cleverness, 2, 4, 6, 12 and 13, by your leave.


kmo_lj June 20 2013, 04:07:34 UTC
oh wow, you really are giving me some good procrastination material here. i need to go to bed, so i'll answer the ones for "Sell Your Cleverness" now and save the ones for Entr'acte for tomorrow. :)

#2-What are you most proud of?
I'm really proud of writing Phedre's POV and I'm so very pleased when people say I've captured Carey's narrative style. This was also my first time writing anything remotely kinky or explicit. So I'm proud I challenged myself to do that.

#4- What's a bit that sums up your take on a character?ooof, it is hard to pick just one thing, but the moment where Melisande realizes Phedre's gambit and "yields" rather than push onward is I think a turning point for her character in that moment. She will not let Phedre manipulate her into being crueler than she needs to be, will not allow Phedre to put her in the same category as the Mahrkagir- even if she would once have gladly gone further in the absence of Phedre's signale. And the decision to be merciful there is truly hard for her, but Melisande is capable of ( ... )


kith_koby June 20 2013, 19:58:44 UTC
Your answer to 4 was perfect, and that's exactly what I felt about it. 12 and 13 as well - although you know I am a rabid Melisande/Phedre shipper, I do feel it was very realistic, and should have happened. It showed the real relationship between the characters and how much they value each other, yet also, as you wrote, the complexity of their relationship, where very little applies.


kmo_lj June 21 2013, 04:41:18 UTC
alrighty- "Entr'acte"

1. What part was most difficult?
I don't think I'd ever written anything that explicit before- I tend to be a bit coy. So I wanted it to be hot but not cliched. I'm always worried about writing bad porn, you know? And honestly, i feel more exposed and vulnerable as a writer when writing sex scenes than in writing anything else.

2. What parts are you most proud of?
I think I take most pleasure in hearing that i've satisfied readers. So when people tell me "yeah that was hot!" or "wow, that was hot AND funny" that really makes me feel proud. because that's sort of what i was aiming for.

10. Imagery
It's hard for me to come up with visual images that are important for this one, even though the Kushielverse is visually stunning. I actually think sound matters more- they are at the opera, after all. It's all about the sound of the orchestra, the quickening of tempos, Melisande playing Phedre like an instrument until she produces beautiful music at her command.

14. What inspired this fic?It's hard to say- I don ( ... )


silverflight8 June 20 2013, 04:44:53 UTC
Through the years we all will be together and questions 1, 2, 4, 11, 13!

(Psst, you've got some weirdness with your strike/del tags and a div tag all alone!)


kmo_lj June 20 2013, 23:26:41 UTC
oooh thanks for playing! and thanks for pointing out the tag things- sometimes when i crosspost from DW it comes out all weird. :P

1. What part was most difficult?

I think it was trying to convey the bond between Phedre and Melisande in a non-sexual way. It's still intense. It perhaps has the potential to become sexual. But I wanted child Phedre to still have a certain innocence about herself and her anguisette nature.

2. What I'm Most Proud Of
I'm oddly pleased whenever someone says they buy Delaunay-Melisande as a sexy power couple. Because that's exactly what I wanted them to be. I'm also really happy when someone says they buy this AU and want more of the storyline. So if I can make a reader (who is not me) want more, I'm proud. That goes for any story.

4. A bit that sums up your take on a characterThe part where Phedre has her nosed pressed up against the cold window glass "in a most unrefined posture" is just perfect little Phedre, fresh from Cereus House to me. She knows its undignified, but she's just so curious! ( ... )


silverflight8 June 22 2013, 03:33:45 UTC
I remember the window glass bit--loved it! This is the child who climbed out of Cereus House and ran away to explore, after all :) Sometimes I forget it, and just remember her adult self.

I'd love to see more of that AU. Actually, a lot of the AUs that Phèdre herself mentions in I think Avatar, when she imagines the past spooling out differently.


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