
280: OWS - the Spark

Oct 19, 2011 14:33

On the scene in NYC, KMO and Olga K roam the city collecting the authentic voices raised in protest and celebration. Americans have been stewing quietly in their dissatisfaction and resentment over being robbed, exploited, abused, lied to, and, worst of all, scape-goated by the 1% and their lackeys in government and the corporate media. The first half of the program consists of on-the-street interviews, and then Justin Ritchie, of the Extraenvironmentalist Podcast, joins the conversation via Skype to connect the macro and the micro in a focused discussion of what happened on the ground in NYC and what’s happening around the globe and in cyber-space.

Music by Sxip Shirey.

The Superman and JB Ironworker interviews were provided by Renée Renata Bergan of Renegade Pictures, Inc.


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