
Calling All Skeptics: Time to Nut Up or Shut Up

May 02, 2011 09:17

Upon hearing of the supposed take down of Osama bin Laden this morning, I did a search for "show me the body." The top search result was an article by Michael Shermer entitled Show Me the Body: Purported sightings of Bigfoot, Nessie and Ogopogo fire our imaginations. But anecdotes alone do not make a science. I tried to post the following comment:

Let's see some thorough-going skepticism directed against something significant; not this fish-in-a-barrel stuff. Let's hear a call from the skeptical community to show us the body of Osama bin Laden. The US Military killed the most wanted man in the world, and immediately disposed of the body at sea? Really? They didn't take any pictures? None of those 21st century cyber-warriors had helmet or rifle cameras? And what will we hear from the skeptical community about this? My prediction: bubkiss.

If so-called skepticism is to mean anything it needs to be directed at the real frakking world. Strutting and preening over not believing in bigfoot is pathetic.

skepticism, osama bin laden

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