
JHK on the inevitable course of actual "health care reform"

Mar 03, 2010 16:14

I am confident in the "emergent," self-organizing capablities of human societies. We are now faced with the task of emergently re-organizing medicine downward to the community clinic level -- and sooner or later probably toward a simple, straightforward pay-as-you-go in cash basis with doctors you know, with all the bureaucratic barnacles scraped away. Like a lot of other things in the years ahead -- education, retail trade, transport, even banking -- medicine is likely to be much less dazzling than the way it is practiced today. But when all is said and done we'll still possess the germ theory of illness and the recipe for lidocaine and a few other things that will make existence tolerable.


After a one-year detour through the gilded country of corporate health benefits, I'm back to my default state of no access to the apparatuses and institutions of medicine. I try not to pine for collapse, but I do fantasize about having affordable access to medical attention when needed, even if it doesn't include positron emission topography sessions.

healthcare reform

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