
C-Realm Podcast Episode 26

Mar 28, 2007 10:50

C-Realm Podcast

Give it a listen!

Episode 23: The Voice of the Other

In this 26th episode of the C-Realm Podcast, host KMO actually reads some listener email. Later he talks with author Jeremy Narby about entheogens, the mysterious teaching “voice” of the Other, and the pervasiveness of intelligence in the non-human world.


Jeremy Narby is the author of three books, The Cosmic Serpent
, Shamans Through Time (pb reprint)
, and most recently Intelligence in Nature

You can read a Q&A with Jeremy here:

I had planned to ask Jeremy about Graham Hancock's new book, XXX, but I didn't get around to it in the interview. I asked him by email, and this is what he had to say:I liked Hancock's book, I have been a fan of his for a long time, I
think he is courageous and he marshals the evidence like a professional.
He does not fear the difficult questions. I think that he favors open-
minded inquiry above all, and on that count I am certainly on his side.

Please click on the C-Realm A-Store graphic.


Maybe you noticed... maybe not, but I did not put any music behind the interviews this week. The only music I used this week, aside from the the unofficial C-Realm Podcast theme, Somptin Happnin' (which you can download for free at the Promonet/IODAlliance website) was some music originally created by Dr. Richard Grossman for C-Realm Podcast Episode 8: Healing Songs. He named the file "ocarina & kuo xiang" which identifies the instruments he used. If you're interested in it, send me an email and I'll email it to you.

Download "Somptin Happnin'" (mp3)
from "Polymorphic Convolutions"
by Various Artists
Electronic Soundscapes

    cosmic serpent, lorenzo, dna, psychedelic salon, jeremy narby

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