Bento #34

Mar 28, 2012 12:35

Ehh... A bit on the run, today. SO, I made sammiches. BUT, we're out of bread, SO I made WAFFLE sammiches. Which are like regular sammiches, only with WAFFLES. It actually worked out nicely, because it kept the honey mustard rather nicely - also, ham and white American cheese (because I feel not-as-bad about eating American cheese if it's at least not that atrocious yellow colour). Halfed, and then nestled in (I ATE THE FOURTH HALF WHILE MAKING THE BENTO BECAUSE IT LOOKED SO FRAKKING YUMMY. And because it didn't quite fit. I also totally ate the sandwiches by themselves right there at the bus stop and ate the salad later...). Salad, strawberries and Thin Mints in the other half. Like I do.

Ruleswise: Carbs for waffles, meat for ham, fruit for strawberries, veggies for salad. (Yes, I did that backwards.) Also, cookies. The sandwich COULD be more substantial, but whatevs. I was in a rush. Colourwise, not too bad, though - red, green, black, yellow, and a little pink and white. And gold, if you count the mustard. Actually, a rather colourful bento in the end.

Results: Oh, that sammich was mighty tasty. And I already told you how much I love the rest of it the other day...

ham, waffles, cookies, strawberry, salad, sandwich, cheese

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