TALK ABOUT JOY IN A BOX. Today we had manicotti (which hardly survived its original cooking - the microwave decided to kaput after the pure AWESOMENESS of this dish finished cooking, so I had to wait until we got a new one, like, the next day before I could make this bento. WHICH IS JUST SAD because manicotti is TEH SCHITTE.
So, manicotti (as I said), with Club crackers (oh such yumminess...), fresh strawberries (OMG MAH FAVRITE), Thin Mints (it's Girl Scout cookie season again!!!) and of course a side salad of my favourite spring mix. TALK ABOUT JOY IN A FRAKKING BOX, YOU GUYS.
Ruleswise: Carbs and meat in abundance? Manicotti and crackers - check. Veggies after? Salad is a very happy check. Fruit after? STRAWBERRIES ARE A CHECK. I even got dessert! Proportionately, I'm AMAZING today. And colourwise I am ON FIRE! Red! Green! Dark! Light! ...Manicotti tastes better than you look, but DAMN DID IT TASTE GOOD. But that bottom tier is amazingly beautimous colourwise!
Results: It was joy in a box. What can I say?! You know, if you eat Thin Mints and strawberries together, IT TASTES LIKE CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES. Which in a way, it is. Also? MANICOTTI. Best thing ever, this Italian food. COMFORT FOOD FOR THE WIIIIN...