Oct 30, 2006 01:37
i hate to admit it but i'm well aware that i can be judgmental. it don't consider this to be an exceptionally negative aspect and i definitely do not believe it to be a positive one either. i think it falls in between. for instance, when i use my intuition pertaining to people and certain events, i pass a judgment that is sometimes correct. it's hard to explain, but i've always had a knack for observing things. when i was a baby, my mom loved to roll me up and down the mall in a stroller. she always told me that i was a very well behaved child (unlike my little brother, lol) and that i would sit straight up in my seat in effort to watch the people that we strolled past. out of observing people, i later developed a universal curiosity. i wanted to know how the people i saw lived, worked, believed, where they lived, who they knew, what they knew, what they didn't know...
in many ways my nosiness inspired my what i am majoring in at miami today. i want to know all of these things about people & i want to have the ability to help them if need be. this is quite vague because you can help a person in a variety of ways. my approach is through social and political reform particularly in what the West regards as the 'periphery.'
back on course now...
observation curiosity grew into an ability to read people via body language, tone...
this is where my mind makes decisions and then passes a judgment.
i've been accurate many times but i've also been wrong many times too.
one must realize that these judgements can always be looked over again.
i'm not afraid to admit this & the people closest to me must realize this.