Jul 12, 2006 18:08
ok so i cant stop watching lost and delirious...i found the whole movie on youtube and it was intense. that is my worst fear about love. omg, you're seriously watching a train wreck and actually caring about the people in it.........in a good way
anyways, i got a scare last night, it was two am and my computer would not turn on... i had a paper due this morning and i was about to kill myself....the funny thing was that it was my second concern... see, if my computer broke my stepdad would have to fix it. in order to fix it you have to look into it. i do not want my stepdad looking into my computer- dont ask why. anyways..... so it turns out that when i had left i had accidently left it on so it was like on ZERO energy. the reason i freaked is because i always leave my computer plugged in so even if i leave it on it shouldnt drain- it didnt occur to me to check the cable. i just happened to have seen it when i sighed my 'i give up' sigh and looked at the ground!!!! i'm dumb.
i got a new t shirt that says... Silence is golden- Duct tape is grey--> then it has a smily face with duct tape on its mouth...that was my little tshirt pick me up!
yestuday was crazy too cause emotion wise i was all over the place. i started out the day just wanting to get thorugh it, then i was extremely happy, then extremely hyper, then apprehensive, then depressed, i felt exhausted...i pity my future husband, really!
i rambled enough today....ok
- check out he icon i made, i'm using it for this post, it's cool! -