Feb 21, 2012 15:01
Hey there, folks!
So, I've been toying with the idea of doing a live, alcohol-fueled viewing of all six Star Wars films, and setting up some kind of stream so that folks can watch and listen in as I go off on (hopefully amusing) tirades and provide some uber-nerd commentary on the movies. I'd likely have other folks sit in with me as guests, too, so that I have someone to banter with and not just talk to myself (although that might get amusing in its own right after a while).
I asked on Twitter a few days ago, and people seemed amused by the idea and at least interested enough to give it a shot. And I do really want to do it because I think it'd be a lot of fun.
Now I just have a question of format, and what's where your guys' feedback comes in.
Would people prefer that I do a big, long, six-movie, 14-hour marathon viewing session of all the films back to back? Or would it be better if I did them one a time, say one film a week for six weeks? I can see pros and cons of doing it either way, and I'm curious what other folks would most prefer.
Either way, I might be able to record the sessions themselves and then release them as podcasts or something later on, so that's an idea, too.