RainFurrest Roundup

Sep 24, 2009 13:08

I know I'm a little late getting this up, but I was at RainFurrest this past weekend, and the short version of my con recap is that I had an awesome time!

The highlight of the con for me was the live recording we did for Episode 10 of "Unsheathed." kyellgold and I basically kinda-sorta hijacked the "How to Write an Erotic Furry Story" panel (with the convention's permission, mind) and turned that discussion into our podcast-and it went really well! Truth be told, I was really nervous about how it was going to turn out, but the audience was great, we had some great questions, and the applause we got at the end filled me with warm fuzzies that I haven't felt since the last time I ANYWAY MOVING ON.

It was cool getting to meet some fans face-to-face, which hasn't happened very often, what since I've kept a pretty low profile at conventions until this year. Actually, if RainFurrest taught me anything, it's that the line between my real life self and my furry erotica-writing self is getting rapidly more and more blurred, but heck, I can live with that (if I were that shy, I wouldn't make public appearances at all).

Oh, and for those of you who don't listen to "Unsheathed" (and really, why don't you?), a group of two dozen furs all decided that me and Kyell have to write porn of each other again. He's apparently already started his story about me, and I'm finding that having an active challenge is really good at getting my creative juices flowing.

Hopefully y'all'll see more from me on that front very soon!

fans, podcasts, writers, unsheathed, conventions, fandom

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