A Day in the Life, Part 2

Mar 02, 2006 03:30

I don't want to spend too long in the shower, but I want to be thorough.  Some folks will get turned on if they smell another guy all over you when you're flirting with them, but most aren't too keen on it, in my experience.  Besides, sitting in an office chair for two hours after getting pounded under the tail is leaving me feeling… well, yeah, let's not get into those details.

Once I'm clean and dry, I go into my bedroom.  The outfit I picked out this morning is laid out on my bed, and I feel giddy as I get myself into it.  My top is a rich, brown-black leather vest that hangs open, with three silver chains that span the gap over the white fur of my chest and belly.  Below that, I tug on a pair of matching leather shorts that barely even make it halfway to my knees.  They don't even have a tail-clasp in the rear, and I just tug them up with the waistband underneath my tail, so that the top of my rump is just visible.  I forgo the underwear.  For the finishing touches, I put the three stud earrings into my right ear; I'm not allowed to wear them at work.

"Ta-da!" I yip as I hop back out into the living room, doing a three hundred sixty degree twirl-around to let A.J. check out my outfit.  "How do I look?"

The rabbit's got a huge, goofy grin plastered on his face.  "Like a complete and total slut," he says as he gets up from the couch.  "I'll be surprised if folks aren't lining up all the way out the front door to get a turn at your ass."

"One step at a time," I say, grabbing my keys and heading out the front door with A.J. in tow.

On the drive over to the club, we grab some grub from the drive-thru, and then I tell A.J. about my day at work.  He murmurs something about my being a lucky bastard as he tries to gulp down his dinner before we get to our destination.  I know that we shouldn't be getting fast food, especially not if we want to keep the figures we have, but it's not like we can go into a restaurant dressed as we are.  Well, maybe A.J. can.  At any rate, the occasional bit of junk food hasn't hurt us so far.

There's a lot of inner city traffic, being the start of the weekend, and so it takes us almost an hour to get to the club, which is almost perfect.  Things are just starting to get going when we walk in through the front door.  The bouncer is some new guy; he wears a dumb grin on his face as he checks my I.D., slipping in a comment about how I don't look old enough to get in.  I think that's his way of saying that he wants to fuck me.  Unfortunately for him, I don't like being compared to jailbait.  There are plenty of other, better ways to flatter your way into my pants.

Our first stop once inside is the bar.  The bartender tonight is Kiko, this slender white wolf who always has the fur on his head dyed some psychedelic color.  This week, it seems he's opted for a screaming pink.  He always addresses me as 'gorgeous.'

"What're you having, gorgeous?" he asks me, lisp and all, as I set my paws on the bar.  I think I can hear A.J. snicker off to the side.

"Strongest thing you can give me that don't taste like ass," I reply, scanning the bar in case something in particular does catch my eye.

Kiko clicks his tongue and winks at me.  "Too bad," he says, adjusting his crotch.  "Just got off of my boyfriend before coming on shift."  Before I can retort, he's already spun around to fetch some bottles, leaving poor A.J. to wait on ordering his drink.  It's a lame joke, sure, but I still chuckle.  Hell, if Kiko were to actually make the offer, I'd blow him right there behind the bar.  Come to think of it, in the back of my mind, I think I've always meant to, but I've never gotten around to it.

That's not going to happen tonight, though.  I've got other plans, and they start with Kiko passing off my drink.  Whatever it is, it sure as hell is brightly-colored, just like Kiko's hair.  "What's in it?" I ask.

"Just drink it-you'll like it," he tells me with a smile, and then he turns to A.J.  "How about you, sweet stuff?"

I wander toward one of the booths against the far wall before I hear just what A.J. orders.  I sit down, get cozy, and then take a sip of the mystery concoction I've been handed.  My mouth puckers up.  Fuck, that's strong!  I like it, though, so I keep on sipping, and by the time A.J. joins me with his own beverage in his paw, I'm halfway done with mine.

"Hey, easy there," the rabbit says as he slides in next to me.  "You're gonna get yourself trashed."

"That's the idea," I reply, smiling from around my straw as I take another long, drawn-out sip.

A.J. shoots me a look of disbelief.  "You know, hon, I hate to break it to you," he starts, setting a paw on my shoulder, "but getting a boy like you to raise his tail doesn't require alcohol."

I give the rabbit a gentle jab in the ribs with my elbow.  "What, you think I don't know that?" I say with a chuckle.  "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

"Oh.  Are you in size queen mode tonight?" he asks.  "Hoping to take the edge off and dull the pain?"

"Isn't that your shtick?" I counter, winking.

"Hey, you've already been fucked once today," the rabbit points out.  "It only makes sense that you'd keep going for bigger and better."

I take another sip, already getting down to the watered-down part of the drink down in the ice.  "What about you?" I ask, changing the subject.  "Got your eye on anyone yet?"

"Nah," he says, scanning the crowd as he relaxes further into the booth.  "Haven't had time to really look.  Besides, folks will still be trickling in for some time to come.  No sense jumping the gun."

"There's always Kiko," I suggest, and I'm only half-joking.

A.J. smiles.  "Or you," he says.

"Now, now: don't give up hope just yet," I say, getting up from my seat.  "I need to fetch myself another drink."

I fade out into the crowd after I get my second drink from Kiko; the wolf whistles at me when he sees how fast I'm already hitting the booze.  I'm not trying to drown my sorrows, though, and I'm certainly not trying to kill any inhibitions that I don't have, either.

No, the real reason that I want to drink so much so quickly is that I'm a bad actor.  See, if I just pretended to be drunk off of my ass in the hopes that someone would decide to take advantage of me, I know I wouldn't be convincing enough.  Oh, I can play the part of the easy little slut without much difficulty, but some guys just find that obnoxious; they'd actually rather think that they were getting somewhere with someone who was just too blitzed to know better.

Maybe it's a guilt thing.  I don't know.

I make sure to get some dancing in, too, just to make sure that I at least stay alert-not to mention visible-as I let myself get sloshed.  I touch base with A.J. when I see him, but he doesn't seem to have pegged anyone as a mark just yet.  He will, though.  He might even go for Kiko, too.  Maybe it's the alcohol, but the image of my little rabbit friend kneeling down with the flamey wolf's cock in his face is equal parts amusing and arousing.

Without looking at the clock (and since I didn't wear a watch), I'd guess that somewhere over two hours has passed.  Even without drinking any more, I know that I'll be pretty fucking tipsy at least through to midnight, which should be long enough.  I'm proud of myself for having come up with that part of the plan, and I giggle.

Out on the dance floor, more than just a few guys try to get some of what I'm offering.  I do a little bit of bumping and grinding, pressing my ass back into the occasional crotch and letting paws wander where they will… but only so far.  I don't actually give anyone the time of day.  This is my candy store, here, and I've come here to pick and choose.

I get tired, and so I haul my ass over to another booth.  I close my eyes and rest my head, and then I feel a weight drop down next to me.  Opening my eyes, I see A.J. there, looking like he's having a pretty fun time of the night, too.  "Man," he says, shaking his head and catching his breath.  "I go from not having any real options to have too many to choose from!"

My eyes glance over the nearest crop of dancers.  I spot a tallish wolf, more conservatively colored and more masculine than Kiko by a long shot.  "I bet he's one of them," I say to A.J.

"Look how big his fuckin' sheath is!" the rabbit squeaks.  "You can see the entire outline through his shorts!  And I bet he's not even hard in there, either!"

"So, then, like… just walk up to him," I say, waving my fingers in a circle.  "Slap both of your paws on that sheath there and tell the nice, studly doggy that you're… like… the guardian angel of cocksucking or something."  I wince.  The alcohol is really impairing my wit, but not my ability to be summarily embarrassed.

A.J. just kind of rolls his eyes.   "Er, yeah, don't worry," he says.  "I've got it covered."  He leans in over the table, and then asks, "So, what about you?  Who're your eyes on, eh?"

I can feel how big my smile is.  I turn my head and motion with a nod.  "See the cougar and the snow leopard standing next to the dance floor over there?"

"Uh-huh," the rabbit replies, following my gaze.  "Which one?"

"'One?'" I reply, giving A.J. a grin that I imagine looks much like the one I flashed Chaz way back this morning.

The rabbit's eyes widen so much that the whites practically shine in the tricked-out club lighting.  "Oh, you are not serious," he says, shaking his head.

Already, though, I'm getting out of the booth.  "Watch and learn, young apprentice."

I pad my way over to the two felines with a sense of purpose driving my every step.  The two of them clearly didn't come here together, and just as clearly, they've been flirting pretty heavily for the last hour or so.  This is where it's time for me to enter the stage, and also why it'll really help for me to be drunk.

My lithe little body squeezes in between the two cats, and I stand facing the snow leopard.  I know that I've interrupted a conversation, because his mouth is hanging open with a partly-formed word on his lips, and because he's giving me an incredulous kind of stare.  Before he can say anything, though, I bring a single claw up to play with the ruff of fur on his chest that shows at the top of his open silk shirt, and I say, "You know, I think you're the most gorgeous kitty to ever set foot inside these walls.  How come I've never seen you before?"

During all this, of course, I've got my tail hiked up nice and high, and I've got my ass jutting out so that it'd be almost impossible for the cougar not to notice that I'm trying to show it off.  I hear him clear his throat behind me, and I sense him start to shift, and I'm guessing that he wants to step around to inform me that I've rudely interrupted him.  Before he can take a step, though, I lift up one of my own feet, slide it back, and set it down atop his: this way, he knows that I know he's there, and he knows that I want him to stay right where he is, for now.

The snow leopard still looks confused, but he looks cuter when he chuckles, so I can deal.  "I don't know," he replies.  "I come here every week."

"Ah," I reply.  Truth be told, I don't recognize the guy, but then again, it's a crowded place, and I am pretty much drunk.  "Guess I just haven't been looking hard enough.  That must mean tonight is my lucky night."

"Er, yeah, maybe," he says, looking past my shoulder at the other feline standing behind me.  The expression on his face seems to say, Okay, I honestly don't know what the hell this fox here is doing.

I step things up.  "I'm really glad, though!" I chirp.  "I like cats."  When I say that, I make my tail wag so that it smacks against the cougar's thighs.  "I know you probably get that from all the guys, but hey."

The snow leopard still seems pretty frazzled, like he's trying to find some way to shoo me off without making me mad.  "Yeah, um, actually…" he starts, but before he can get any further, the cougar shifts another half step closer.  I feel his hand find purchase on my rear end, stroking over the leather and the exposed curve of fur higher up.

Leaning my head back, I let out a (clearly) fake yip of surprise, looking into the cougar's face.  From my point of view, he's upside-down, and somehow… taller than he would be if he were right side-up.  "Oh, hey!" I say to him, waving with one paw as my other starts to pet over the snow leopard's tummy.  "You're handsome, too!"

"Not so bad yourself," the cougar responds, taking advantage of the fact that he can rub underneath my tail without even having to dip his fingers into my shorts, before he drags his claws and fingers through the fluffier part.  I try to use the tip of my tail to tickle his nice, flat stomach, but it doesn't quite reach.

I turn my attention back forward, and the snow leopard is shuffling his feet impatiently.  I almost get the impression that he doesn't want me touching him like I am, and so I just take my paw and stick it right between his thighs.  He makes the most adorable, mewling squeak when I grab his package, and I give a squeeze when I discover that he's half-hard inside his pants.  I'm sure that he's not getting worked up over me, though; in fact, I'm willing to bet that he was fully hard before I dropped in on the scene.  "Oh!" I yelp again, giving my paw another squeeze before pulling it away, and then I look back and forth between the two felines.  "I'm sorry!  I didn't know that I was interrupting something."

Their faces are hard to read, but they look like they're exchanging glances.  "Oh, you're not interrupting anything," the cougar says, looping an arm around me, tucking my rump in against his lap.  "Is he?" he says to the snow leopard, and everything in his tone of voice suggests that he's asking permission.

By now, possibly because he's seen the way the cougar has reacted to my intrusion, the snow leopard actually looks intrigued.  "No," he agrees, nodding in assent with his feline companion.  "No, you're not interrupting."

"Oh, good," I say, exhaling a mock sigh of relief.  "Like I said, I like cats, after all, so…"

"So I notice," the cougar purrs into my ear, giving a slow, rolling press against my backside.  There's a bulge forming back there, and I close my eyes, letting myself feel it.

"You two are nice cats, too," I say, leaving my eyes closed.  I bring my paw back to the snow leopard's groin, and this time, there isn't any hesitation in letting me touch him.

He leans in to kiss me on the ear, and he replies, "You seem like a nice fox, too."  I can feel him getting harder through his pants.

"It's kinda too bad, though," I say, letting out another sigh as I lick the snow leopard on the chin and wiggle my rump back into the cougar's trapped, growing erection.

"Yeah?  What's so bad?" the cougar hums playfully to me, taking a firm hold of my body, notching that bulge right underneath my tail, milking a little gasp from me.

My intent is to play up my whining a little bit, but with the way the cougar teases me, it's actually pretty legitimate.  "Well, I came here with a friend of mine," I say.  "So I can't really stick around."

The cougar clues in on that almost immediately, and I can feel him move his head back and forth as he looks around for darker, shadowier parts of the club.  He catches the snow leopard's eye, and then points over to the stage area.  "Well, here," the cougar says.  "Why don't we just head someplace quieter for a bit?"

I don't even remember responding.  I just know that I'm being led by a pair of felines towards the stage.  On some nights, this club has live music, but not tonight.  Tonight, the stage is empty, and so nobody's attention is on us as the three of us waltz up onto it and then disappear into the backstage area.

From back here, I can still hear the loud dance music thumping, and it almost sounds like my own heartbeat.  The snow leopard sits himself down on a blown-out speaker that looks like it hasn't been moved from that spot in months, and he watches me and the other cat like he's waiting for us to act.

I act.  I get right down in front of that speaker, and my paws fly in a mad attempt to free the stiff cock I felt through the snow leopard's pants just a minute before (if I'm even remembering the passage of time right, and… no, I don't care).

Oh, fuck, I can feel just how flushed up I am with both alcohol and arousal.  I haven't been with a snow leopard in something like four or five years, and as much as I want to admire how gorgeous my new friend looks with that hard-on poking up from his now-open pants, I don't have the time or the patience.  I dive right for it, moaning like I'm starving as I take almost the entire length of his cock into my muzzle in one motion.

Behind me, I hear a belt hit the stage deck.  That's followed by a repeating, rhythmic wet sound, and then I hear the snow leopard gasp excitedly from something other than what I'm doing to him.  To correct that, I give my muzzle a twist, and I tighten down my lips, tugging at his taut, smooth, delicious flesh.  I tell myself, Give this kitty the best goddamn blowjob he's ever had, and it's not much of a stretch for me to feel like I'm doing just that.

For some reason, I find myself wondering what time it is.  Maybe eleven o'clock?  That makes three different cocks in my muzzle in just over twelve hours.  Not a record, I'm sure, but nevertheless, it makes me whimper hotly to think about it.

There's another thump behind me, and the shadow over my back lets me know that the cougar has dropped down onto his knees.  I scoot myself back a bit, shifting from a kneeling position onto an all-fours one.  Before I'm done, the cougar has my tail in one paw and my shorts in the other, and I feel the seams in the leather almost rip as he yanks them down to bare my rear.

"Oh, foxy's gonna get fucked," the snow leopard gasps out in a partial purr.  I open my eyes to see his attention directed behind me.  Then, there's a wet press underneath my tail.  The firm nub of the end of the cougar's member is wet and slick with more than just his own drizzle, and I'm thankful that he had that foresight, because he feels like he's probably pretty big.

Oh, and he is!  He gives a solid push, burying what feels like… fuck, maybe half a foot into me in one go, and I have to tear my muzzle away from the pretty little treat it's suckling on so that I can gasp in pain.  I'm so glad, now, that I've got alcohol dulling my senses, because this guy is so thick that I'm almost crying as it is.  I turn my attention back to the snow leopard, because he's nice and slender and a lot easier to deal with, if I can just retain focus.

I can't, of course; the cougar goes right into plowing my tight little rear end, and if it weren't for the booze and the lube making it just a little easier, I'd have to beg him to stop.  He must be something like eight inches plus, possibly closer to nine, even.  Whatever.  It's big.  It's big, and I like it more and more the longer he fucks me with it.  He makes me feel like the perfect slut, taking it under the tail, no questions asked, no complaints.

Shit, I've got nothing to complain about.  I've got a beautiful, absolutely beautiful dick to treat with my snout.  I pull off here and there, letting myself get a nice look at how it glistens with my spittle as I lick and kiss it.  I could suck this dick every day for the rest of my life and probably never get sick of it.

The snow leopard takes his paw, grabs me by the scruff, and forces my mouth back down onto his cock.  I comply happily, sputtering out through my nose as breath is forced out of me by the cougar continuing to slam into my little body.  It's tough, now, to get the proper amount of suction, because I just can't hold it in.

I don't let that stop me, though.  Forcing my way back against the snow leopard's paw, I get my mouth off of his shaft, then keep my face close as I start to stroke him.  Actually, I kind of like this idea better anyway.  He's warm and throbbing in my grip, and he smells so nice and musky and god, god, I can tell he's close.  My fingers tighten and direct his shaft.  I close one eye, and I watch out of the other as that lovely cock empties out jets of white all over the other half of my face.

The warmth, stickiness, and scent clinging to my fur and my whiskers drives me absolutely mad with lust, and I actually grunt a few times as my tail takes another surge of pounding thrusts, and that's all I take.  I'm so close to the edge that the next good hit to my prostate pushes me right on past, and I let out a trembling, breathless quiver of a moan as I shoot my own load down into a messy white puddle between my shaky knees.

After that, I'm post-orgasmic and intoxicated, and so time loses all context and meaning.  There's just heavy, constant thrusting that goes on and on, setting some type of bodily rhythm before it stops.  I actually feel it more after the cougar pulls out, if only because the emptiness, by contrast, is so noticeable.

I murmur something sleepily to the pair of cats, something about just wanting to lie back and rest for a bit.  Maybe I doze off; I'm not sure.  At any rate, time passes, I get up, and the two of them are gone.

My head is a bit clearer, now, but I'm not in great condition by any means.  I totter back over to the bar, which is still decently crowded.  Kiko has the biggest smile I've ever seen when I sit myself down, and that's when I remember that the snow leopard came all over my face.  The wolf doesn't say anything, though; he just hands me a pawful of napkins and gets me a big glass of water.

Kiko tells me that A.J. left with some other wolf (probably the one with the big sheath, is my guess), and that he told Kiko to tell me he wouldn't need a ride home.  I smile, because I know the little guy could pull it off.

I nurse on water for the next hour or so, letting my head clear up until I feel sober enough to drive.  Kiko checks my eyes, gives me the okay, and slaps me on the ass as he sends me out the door.  Fuck, I'm sore.

When I get back to my apartment, I'm practically giggling to myself.  I stagger into the bathroom, and try to clean myself up as best as I can without taking a shower; if I tried showering, I'd probably fall asleep standing up, I think.

It's a couple of hours past midnight, but the light in my bedroom is on.  I open the door, a sitting up in bed with his snout in some book is the always-handsome gray fox, Lai.

"Hey, sweetie," he says, smiling at me as he looks up from his book.

"Hi, hon," I reply, shucking my vest off and shimmying my way out of my shorts.  "Another late night?"

Lai nods.  "Yeah, but it wasn't so bad," he says.  "At least I've got tomorrow off."

I crawl into bed next to the other fox, and I rest my head on my pillow.  "Mmm," I mumble.  "Still want to do brunch?"

"Only if you're awake for it," he replies with a giggle, rubbing me on the shoulder.  "Seems to me like someone might be sleeping in."

I give a weak little nod, and then I close my eyes.  I hear a little click, and then the light on the other side of my eyelids goes away.  Lai slips down and turns to face me, putting an arm around me as he nestles in cozily.

"Good night, sweetie," he says, giving me a kiss on the lips.  "Love you."

"Love you, too," I reply, and then I let myself drift off to sleep, held securely in my fox's arms, exhausted after a nice, long day.

Or just have a link to the entire story on Yiffstar, or on FurRag, if you don't feel like breaking it in two.


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