that's why....

Oct 11, 2007 14:27

i had a school visit scheduled today.  the school is one of those where students must be accepted to a 4-year university/college in order to graduate from high school.  it's a very good school with very good students.  these kids....  they're so enthusiastic and so excited about school, when others are so aggravated and so blah.  they have had the idea of college drilled into their minds' from a very young age on.  every time i've visited this school before, maybe 10 students have come to see me.  and for me, that's a lot!  however, today....  today is another story.  i had over 50 students in that little room, there to see me!  to hear about my university!  how great is that???  i am currently at a point in my life where i'm deciding what to do next.  should i go on to start my ph.d. or stay where i am?  should i hold off on school and just change intitutions?  I just know that i'm not happy where i am anymore.  not like i used to be.  it's very difficult to stay motivated when things at work get so frustrating.  but when a day like today comes along, and not one or 10, but 50 students come to see me with their bright smiling faces and eager mentality, suddenly i'm face-to-face with a new sense of encouragement, motivation, and drive.  i love my job.  i love what i do.  i love the students.  i cannot tell you how many bad days have been turned around just interaction with one student.  i tell students all the time that they should search for the school that's the best "fit" for them, regardless if it's our school or not.  maybe i should begin to practice what i preach and find a school to represent that's the right "fit" for me.  i know i've said this in other posts before, but students.... thank you!!!
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