Oct 05, 2014 08:06
- Sat, 19:59: MUNTARI!!!!! #FORZAMILAN
- Sun, 01:27: RT @ Battlehork: I guess since they're redoing Fate/stay night I can break this out again http://t.co/LRxsfxmvx1
- Sun, 01:41: I have been getting any and all info about gamergate from internet aristocrat. this is like, 2 albums worth of shit.
- Sun, 01:42: i could write two whole albums about this shit
- Sun, 01:43: but I can condense it to to maybe 3 songs about how all you kids wished and wished and wished this thing wasn't a "sausage party"
- Sun, 01:43: ...which, I ALREADY MADE THAT SONG it's called "i just wanted to show her my pokemanz"
- Sun, 01:43: shit is getting songs though.. . .I can't resist.
- Sun, 01:46: speaking of SJW crap did you see this yet?? http://t.co/yTCBwXUuag #notyourshield
- Sun, 01:47: once again, the people SJWs saw the need to get offended "on behalf of" were never offended at all.
- Sun, 01:48: reminds me of when chicks try to say porn stars didn't choose that profession and are being drugged and shit
- Sun, 01:48: #StopFuckingCaring
- Sun, 01:51: no, i'm not gonna post the song. you should bloody have it already.
- Sun, 01:54: I hope we manage to beat the Devils in the actual season #NYR #LETSGORANGERS
- Sun, 01:58: yes, Nocturno Mako #KillLaKill is photoshopping corpsepaint on anime girls a thing? it should be. http://t.co/TAk3vJqZPA
- Sun, 01:59: that photoshop I retweeted, the logo said "Tsundere" that is a good name for black metal band. definitely.
- Sun, 01:59: I should be watching Fate/Stay Night RIGHT NOW actually. I AM watching that tonight
- Sun, 02:01: man. . .when the fuck does #PsychoPass2 start?
- Sun, 02:03: I'm only watching 3 shows this season. #FateStayNightUnlimitedBladeWorks #PsychoPass2 and #Garo (if it's good)
- Sun, 02:18: NOCTURNO HOLO! http://t.co/GfADsTiUPy
- Sun, 02:39: oh yeah I've gone too far with this now. #AsogiRin http://t.co/WTU0u71NpE