Apr 11, 2004 21:35
welcome to loserville
my mom told me that, i thought it was funny
ok well today was a.. ok day. the fam came over for dinner. there was i think 12 ppl here. i didnt stay very long with them. for some reason, morgan and I dont like these kind of things. so we go and do our own thing. me, i took a shower, cleaned room, and then had dinner. it was really good, but god, there was alot. after food, i stayed up for alittle bit, but i went back down stairs to my room, and went on to the laptop and did nothing really. it was fun, lol.
sasha was over, and like always, everyone made fun of him cause hes the, ' fucking ucranian' (spelt that wrong) this morning mom was freaking out cause we didnt have the house perfect, then she didnt put the turkey in on time. it was funny. but hold and below, the turkey cooked faster than it should have and we had dinner some what on time. so it turned out all right.
corey went back to college a while ago. that ass didnt even say good bye to me.. oh well ill just tell him that he is a asshole on AIM. morgan left as well to go back to his house.
oh, last night was great!! like i said before i was going out to dinner and than a movie with corey and a few of his friends. well we went to some chinese place, and the sevice was laughable. the lady had the shortest memory ever.. worse than mine!!
we asked for water, she says ok, than walks off and doesnt bring it until the 3rd time we ask for it. she spilt it on morgan twice to. i was trying hard not to laugh, but it was so fucking funny. after dinner, morgan had to come back here to finish working, so then the rest of us decided to go bowling insted. but first of course, they needed cigars.. disgusting things, they smell bad. we went around looking for a place that was open, found one. then went to stardust bowl. the place was expensive! about 11 dollars for a game. so we fucked that idea and went to dave and johns house to watch a movie(s). they were crap. so yeah, didnt get home until 2:30 this morning.
got woken up by mom again, she stuck a cheeseburger in my face while sleeping again. not something you want to just wake up to. i thought i was going to be sick. so when she left me with it in my hand, i think i fell back to sleep... dont rememebr. but yeah, she did the same thing before, but with a BK breakfast thing insted. today in was mcdonalds, that place is gross.
oh, i forgot to tell my scores for yesterday morning bowling. it was great, i got a 159, 131, and a 142. im getting a whole lot better. kristie would have gotten a 300 game, but she blew it, and got a 279 insted. oh well, it beat jims highest score. yay kristie!!! kristie is also some what mad at corrie again. lets just hope the same thing doesnt happen as before. it real sucked, both of them calling me none stop, telling me to say to one another... you get the point. and they should already know that i decpise the phone.
i made a mistake today to. i told Joe to see if he could read my journal cause someone said they couldnt, so he said ok. well i had to leave really quick to do something... and because im a chicken and didnt want to know what hed say. yeah its stupid, but hey, thats me! so he might not want to talk to me. i really need to just learn how to keep my mouth shut. it would really make things easer. but this is life, and nothing is.
ok well thats it...and if its not, ill remember later and add it on.
heres what i forgot to say, if you havnt already noticed, my mom was in a good mood toda. well she did a few things that was really funny. 1: nikki wasnt with us for christmas, so she opened her presnt today. well being pat, he had to wrape the presnt... well he wraped the prenst and thats bad enough. it was a poster, so inted of just wraping it, he put in a carpet thing, what you role it up on... yeah. well nikki was wondering what was in it, and my mom says ' its one of those things that needs a baderie and makes a buzzing sound.... now i wonder what that could be, hmmm...... lol, you usually dont hear that kind of thing come out of her mouth. so it just made it better. 2: now my fam are all dorks, when we have cake or pie, or anything of that kind of thing, we usually try to stick it in there face. well, martin was over as well, and he wasnt really with it, so my mom goes' i bought a new wipe cream today, and it smells funny' so martin smells it, and mom stuffs his face in the pie, it was so fucking holareus. so that was the funnys of moms day.