Jun 07, 2009 18:29
Originally I thought to wean NS cold turkey from his pacifier while we're in the US, move him to a bed when we get back and then some time at the end of the year hopefully start toilet training.
Zach thinks we should put him into a bed sooner, rather than later... like within the next week or so.
SR is home from school on Tuesday. Maybe we'll go to Segulah and buy papergoods for next week's Sheva Brachot we're hosting, I can see about an outdoor shed at Keter and see about a bed for NS at the Etz Maleh branch. They advertise a platform bed (just over a meter high) set with a desk and bookshelf unit for under 1500NIS.
As for next week's Sheva Brachot we're hosting, it's going to be Friday brunch. To start we'll have watermelon and cantelope kebabs with a yogurt dip. Spaghetti and mushrooms in cream sauce, broccoli quiche and Mexican casserole for the mains and fresh garden salad. Cheesecake for dessert... Any tweaking of the menu?