Dec 30, 2008 09:12
Today is baking. Chocolate chip cookies and apple crunch muffins. I've decided with 'short' Fridays, and especially on Fridays where I can actually get out of the house, my baking and cooking for Shabbat needs to get started earlier. And after last week's zero energy which basically made our Shabbat meal crash and burn (even though Zach was kind enough to not say anything), I want to be motivated.
I need to call the gas company to find out when we're finally getting gas. I ordered it Sunday, early afternoon and I'm still waiting. Our dinner depends on whether or not I have propane for my stove top... it's either going to be chicken-veggie soup with rice or baked chicken with rice...
Now for the Sunday part... my grandmother is set to return to the US within the next couple of weeks January 7th. So I will call my neighbor who works in Jerusalem and has a car and a car seat (although we have our own car seat) and NS and I will go in on Sunday to see my grandmother. This neighbor leaves around 7:15 and heads back between 3 and 4 so I'll simply spend the entire day in the city. It's definitely worth it for me to spend the entire day, rather than have to deal with a 2 hour or more bus ride with an active toddler and end up getting home not that much before I would if I were to wait until 3-4 in the afternoon.
to do list,