(no subject)

Oct 12, 2008 19:14

One of the many reasons I'm glad we moved to Ariel...

From our email list:

At Shvut Ariel, hakafot and dancing during maariv and shaharit.Before musaf, there is usually a decent 'kiddusha rabbah' - more details to follow. Kids are encouraged to dance with parents, and get the communal aliyah followed by loot bags. What kind of activity might you be able to suggest/expect? I would not mind some fun 'shtick' in the shul during services but I've never seen that here.

Motzei chag is 'the' major dati event of the year in Ariel with 'hakafot shniot' at the matnas. Starts with a torah parade from the heh b'Iyar circle to the matnas gym and then includes hakafot and dancing with live music. Separate section for women.

One of the things I really like about this place is their attempts to include the secular folks in Judaism without being pushy and in your face about it. You want to join? Great! You don't want to? Fine also.

They had on the first day of Rosh haShana shofar blowing in the afternoon. For Yom Kippur davening, Chabad had one of the gymnasiums, had Machzorim in Hebrew only and Hebrew with Russian and every so often would call out the page number of where they were.

religion, holidays, ariel

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