It's a good thing the boy is so cute. Yesterday was really rough. It didn't help that I had a horrific headache. Today looks to be more of the same from him.
I got everything done on yesterday's to do list except the cleaning up. Which I will do today.
Already done today is the walk to the grocery store and I've washed and hung up a load of laundry.
I've got dishes to wash and the quick clean of the living room-dining room.
Tonight's dinner (which will also be tomorrow's) will be a meatball-vegetable soup. Tomato based and it will have chick peas and beans. Which reminds me, I need to soak the beans.
We're going to
galads_forest and
stone_ for Shabbat and I'll be making chocolate turtle cheesecake and a
Mexican Brownie (thanks to
gnomi for the heads up on this one). TC will be coming with us. SR has a school Shabbat.