Jun 06, 2006 22:06
Math: We had a Squirt and donuts party. (Squirt, for those who don't know, is a citrus soda that's somewhat similar to Fresca.) It was really fun, and Dennis and Adam played magic. They sounded like complete geeks, and it was funny to listen to them. ("If I had swamp, you would be in big trouble right now." ~Adam) Then Dennis tried to teach Zuzanna and I while Adam was filling in for someone in a euchre game. Independently, the first thing we both noticed was that one of the cards was shiny. Oh score.
Spanish: We did more preterite verb forms. I stole Dennis's dictionary, which he was not very happy with. Meanwhile, we were trying to turn in books, but Mr. Lee was uber-slow.
Band: More West Side Story. Autum and I "watched" it while having a detailed literary discussion of some of Shakespeare's characters. (We decided that Juliet was kind of caught up in Romeo's headstrong-ness. "She was so sheltered that she was eager to try stuff." Then we both had to shush ourselves because we had gutter thoughts. And Lady Macbeth's brand of feminism is hating feminism.)
Science: Einstein's gold. Hurrah! We got everything right, and she gave us candy. Later, we put all her books in order and helped her to lift them up to her cabinets. Not much fun, but better than any kind of scholastic work.
English/Social Studies: Ugh, graduation ("promotion ceremony," I laugh at your corny name) practice. In the last 30 minutes, we had another quiz bowl, only individual, and set up like a spelling bee. Maya won that. Good for her!
After school, I picked up my double horn (!) and cleaned out my locker. The double horn is really fun, and it makes my tone sound better. The only fingering chart I could find was stupid and colorful. *growl* Later, everything was a frantic rush to get ready for the graduation. I tried to paint my toenails, but failed miserably; they're all lumpy. Pretty gross. Graduation was OK, and the speeches were good. Dr. Hill encouraged us to practice polygamy in her speech. (hehe, or at least, it sounded like it.) Mrs. Hanks said Hannah's name "Hanna Blecker." It made me mad, and Mom shook her fisty. (At least, if she knew what fisties were, she would have.) We actually managed to drag Jessie into a picture! It was amazing...
So that's my day. Tomorrow's the ULTIMATE DAY OF SCHOOL! Huzzah!
(Wow, this post is heavy on the exclamation points.)