back to you, it always comes around.

Mar 21, 2005 20:46

could you believe, that it's been an entire year since i wrote my "i dont want to be 16" entry. and now i don't want to be 17. not much has changed! i just freak out somtimes realizing i'll be in college in less than a year 1/2.

and i miss a friend. this person doesnt seem to talk to me anymore and i have no clue what i did wrong. i guess this person must be doing what mrs. white described as waneing from a friendship. the problem is, its a one-sided deal, i dont see why we cant be friends.

tennis tryouts today...i think it went well? perry asked me to go to charron's latter sets tomorrow soo it should be good. i haven't played since september and i STILL can't find my favorite racket but everything is going pretty smoothly.

<3 karen
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