Aug 16, 2007 16:33
Hey! Guess who got their driver's license just now? Go on! Guess!
A Driver is me! (Big thing is that I don't have to renew it for a bit! Going to take a bit more time to be quite skilled on my own, but its a grand start! A symbolic step!)
Also, the computer has gone kablooie again. It was fixed last time by shop guys just poking it for a bit, so we may try that. If not I would think we should be able to get a new computer and put our old drive in it as an additional one. It's not the problem, some other doo-dad is. As long as I can eventually get to my data, I'm ok. (Should have gotten it all off last time, but I thought it was fixed for good. Silly me.) I'm not starting the job search till after PAX (heck maybe my B-day too), so as long as I can get my Resume by like the beginning of Sept, I'm fine.
Edit: Also guess what! PAX trivia man just emailed and wanted to see if I'm still interested. Not sure if I'm in or just a finalist. I'm getting a leg up due to affirmitive action on his part, but if I choke I will look twice as bad. Oh lord! But it is something I could possibly do well at. If he makes some further show of testing me then I would feel better. I mean if he chooses me and I suck, it's his fault now isn't it? Anyway, it all goes down to luck I think. Luck that I get the questions I know and luck that the opponents don't. I have self doubt but I gotta do it!
Scary! But If I get picked and do well, and Sabe does well, then that's double glory to the hotel room!