Mar 27, 2006 22:54
I always feel like people are judging me when I update lj in the computer lab in the library, but I have been reading developmental psychology for like 4 hours now, so I need a bit of a break. So I'll update anyone who cares or who hasnt talked to me in the past few days, on my recent endevors.
THis weekend was a busy one. Nicks brother Brady was in town the whole weekend, so we got to hang out with him and corrupt him a little, which was pretty fun. Ok we didnt corrupt him that much. The worst thing we let him do was probably drink some beer with his dinner on friday night. Which is funny because he only drank like half of it, and he had a look of pure disgust with every sip. You could just see that he was trying to be cool like his older brother, it was really cute actually. And we also took him to an R rated movie, "Inside Man," which was really good. Its the classic clever thieves vs smart detectives story, but i still liked it and Clive Owen is so sexy. Then on Sunday Nick, my mom, my brother and I went to go see STOMP and the Overture center. I have never seen STOMP before and I was very impressed. Some of the stuff they did was amazing. I especially liked the part where they played drums on the sinks and also when they strapped huge barrels onto their feet and walked around. So with all this activity going on this weekend, you can guess I barely had time to study, which was no good because I had a personality test today that I dont think I did so well on. So I'm guessing that I have pretty much blown my chance at getting an A in that class, which is sad because I like that class a lot.
Nick and I turned in our rental applications today for the Dayton Square apartments. I am so excited about this place. And we're going to get a poolside apartment next year too. I guess he has to go over our rental apps. and hopefully he'll approve them so that we can sign a lease next monday.
Well thats all for now, I better get back to reading. I am so far behind in my ed psych class, I basically have to do 4 weeks of reading in the next few days, before my midterm on thursday. Wish me luck!