Today's tweets

Apr 08, 2010 16:00

  • 20:39 Another long standing couple split. Sigh... #
  • 07:18 @ GoodGuysFans I still don't like it but it's in character and appropriate for it's era.Sigh. But the man can act so I prob won't notice it! #
  • 07:24 #TheGoodGuys. New Yahoo chat group
    Come join us for chat about this show #
  • 07:42 @ GoodGuysFans Thanks for the plug! It won't detract from what you've got going. Very different in membership already - only 3 are on Twitter #
  • 12:15 @ GoodGuysFans oh my! I burst out laughing. Not sure if I'm laughing cause it's funny or bad...but at least I'm laughing:) #
  • 13:37 My head aches! Am feeling quite ill. Great! Just to add to the week from hell... #
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