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Dec 21, 2004 18:07

Hey not much is going on.. i wont make my lj friends only unless i feel like i need to.. and this one i dont feel the need...

so.. things have been pretty decent lately. Saturday was kinda boring.. Not much went on.. Actually nothing that i can remember.. besides me and shan went 2 the mall and i got john some stuff for christmas.. but it was so crowded we didn't stay long.. just for what we needed then left.. then i went home and around 11 i took a shower and as i was getting out i heard knockingg.. it was ster and kevin.. they suprised me.. i havn't seen them sence they graduated.. they came 2 see if i wanted 2 go with them to pick up adam.. another one of our friends who went into the service.. or well training.. so i def went.. and his fllight was suppose 2 come in at 12 but it got delayed to 1 then 2 then 230.. there was abunch of us theyre so we just drove around and stuff.. so around 2 we went back to the airport and waited for adam.. and we all hid so when he got off the plane he would think theyre was nowone theyre for him.. haha but as soon as he came aroundd the corner we bombarded him in wheel chairs.. hahaha yah we're fags but we know it so its ok.. so by that time everyone was so exhausted.. so kev droove me home.. well was suppose 2 but we ended up driving aroundd for like 2 hours so i didn't get home untill 4.. we wont say what happend in between that time.. haha.. for his sake.. not mine.. anyways by passed out as soon as i got home.. woke up then went 2 my cousins house in melrose for a christmas party.. gay, then i came home and went to bed.. yesterday was gay i hate mondays.. after school i had my last driving sesson.. it was good i guess.. so snowiyy and icey but whatever it was easy as hell..then adam came by my house 2 say hi then we went 2 kristys 2 suprise her cus she hadn't seen adam in over 7 months.. today was gay.. i have drivers ed soon.. my last class .. i get my lisence tomorow.. pretty siked.. and if i dont ill get it over vkay... either way works
ok im leaven bye =)
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