Jan 13, 2006 23:54
It seems like everyone is in a state of questions recently. I don't see any mistake in it or fault though for I am one of those questioners. To many people, the idea of faith and religion has been a huge controversy tossed up in their minds. I do have some words though that may help or possibly inspire.
-1. Faith is not tangible. We cannot wrap our minds around it completely. We need to realize that faith and God are limitless. We can try to wrap our minds around it, but we must realize that we can never fully understand God.
-2. Questions are not bad. Never doubt yourself due to questions. Questioning God and faith is natural and actually expected. Even though some truths can be found. This solution just creates more problems though. By this I mean more answers to questions just lead to more questions asked. Example: Does God really love everyone? Yes. Does that mean he even loves criminals and bad people? Yes. How can he love bad people and just love everyone in general? Because God IS love. How can God be love?....This is my point. One answer just leads to more questions. But like I said, don't doubt yourself because of questions. Even Jesus himself questioned God on earth. We see this in his words on the cross: "Father, why have you forsaken me?" To me this shows that questions really aren't bad.
-3. Faith comes from heart. I compare faith to a trampoline: faith being the mat and the springs being the doctrine the church teaches. We need the doctrine to make the first jump, but we need to have the mat to go anywhere. We need not to worry if the springs will fail. We just need to believe, and jump. Once we make this first leap, we can continue jumping a little more easily. Because if we keep jumping we can only go up. The sky is not the limit on the trampoline of faith because God has no limits.
I know this is all rather random, and it is all from my point of view. I'm not saying any of it is right, but I'm not saying it is wrong either. That is how faith works. It all depends on how and what you believe. I just hope it at least makes some you who keep questioning life, God, yourself, that maybe this kinda eases your stress or helps you think a little easier. I'll maybe update tomorrow after the game, but for now I need sleep for the meet tomorrow. Until then.