copy protected CDs are useless.

Sep 21, 2005 23:26

So I've just been working as usual. I've worked 7 hours a day for about 2 weeks now. It all adds up, but I haven't really had time to do anything. I have less than a week left to go, so it makes me kind of sad, but at the same time school will be starting up and I'll actually be seeing more people my age instead of the 30, 40, 50 year old guys at the station (and some senior citizens, too). Although some of those guys are hella cool.

So today I got out of work and had to make a quick trip to Best Buy to pick up X-Men Legends 2 which just came out today, and a CD that I couldn't find to download online. I was so fast in finding and picking up the CD that I didn't know the CD was copy protected. I got home and was all ready to rip it on my comp in order to put it on the iPod... because it's not illegal if you own the CDs to put the music on your computer. But the CD didn't get recognized. That's when I noticed the copy protected label. So the deal with this is, you can only rip it to protected WMA format, and you can only burn the music on it 3 times to a CD. I was like "this is so lame" because obviously the point of an iPod is to have a whole ton of music without lugging around the CD player.

So why even buy CDs? Well, you get all the songs that aren't the single that's out on the radio. I've found that a lot of my favorite songs were songs that weren't released on the radio, and that I never would have found out about if I had just downloaded the single. I'm willing to let an artist prove their worth to me, even if it means buying their CD first. Plus I'm not doing anything illegal by burning the CD onto my comp for my personal use.

Anyways, I quickly circumvented the copy protection using methods known to Google. It was great. I feel like I won against the system. Maybe if they lower prices of CDs to like 4 bucks, people will actually buy them first instead of looking online first.

Eagles for life. McNabb is my hero. I'm outta here.
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