Jul 29, 2004 01:26
Here's a funny little excerpt I found in a little blog type thingy:
I’m about sick and tired of people’s bitching about the internet. It’s so invasive, it’s so filled with morons, there’s so much drama in certain communities… Look, you whiney assed sorry sacks of shit, this is your internet. You made it this way… no, we made it this way.
Much like the world, not to mention most high schools, the net consists of all kinds of people: cool kids, smelly kids, annoying kids, etc. What makes these people this way is as much as your guess as mine. The difference from the real world to the net is that here no one needs to hide their inhibitions or feelings. Why should they? What are you going to do about it? This is all well and good, but the problem is that people begin to take themselves way too seriously. I know I have. Why? I don’t know. It’s just a buncha 1’s and 0’s floating around on our machines and servers in places we’ll never see.
The point is relax, stop taking yourself so damned seriously and enjoy it. If you’re sick of the net the way it is, stop being a fucktard and lead by example. Or, if you really have a problem, un-fucking-plug.
--Butah P. (www.duckduckduckgoose.com)
Just found that kind of amusing. I like that site, got some funny articles and an original layout. Good site.