It has been a very long day/morning indeed. I read 100+ pages of Grasshopper. My sister Shari lent it to me b/c of my lack of summer books. It's really interesting...taking awhile to get to the point of not wanting to put it down though.
But that's probably a good thing or I'd still be over on my bed, all wrapped up (despite the heat..the dreaded heat) and reading.
I find that I forget to blink sometimes. Hah.
Nothing much to say really...just thought it was necessary to point out the fact that my insomnia's back from the day-old grave. I'm too excited about the day ahead to actually get to sleep.
Sisters will be over here in about 5 hrs. Lori's bringing her daughter....:)
She looks quite different now because she's only a few days old in that picture -- but she's such a sweetie.
The birds are at it -- whistling. And I can hear my rabbits outside in their hutches moving around...that's probably a sign that I should get some rest.
I just came across pictures at (where I upload my pics)...under the 'livejournal' interest section...and I have a strange feeling I've seen this girl before - although I could be mistaken:
Does anyone know who she is!? lol
Anyway - It's been 20 minutes...stupid browsing through pictures and lack of updating.
I wonder if Jesse will go for the idea of a cheesy, corny picnic before the Canada Day fireworks on Tuesday night..Hmmm...
Maybe the exhaustion's getting to me..haha.
I wonder if he's the kinda guy who would think up a picnic-kinda night.
*ponders this*
That's the only thing that I don't feel I would be able to predict his reaction to.
Mom's up--gardening time for her I guess...
Oh what a morning :) I'll be off.
Good Night/Mornin
P.S. If anyone feels the urge to suggest something slightly fun/romantic, feel free. The city I live in is horrible for places to go...unless you can afford going to a movie all the time....