Aug 04, 2008 04:47
Anyways, I've begun my month of insane travel, by braving 50 or so hours on various buses from Winnipeg, and am currently in DC. By September 8th, I should get my butt settled back in Budapest (where I shall remain until at least June 2009), but between then and now, I'll be passing through Baltimore, New York, various English airports and bus stations, random Portuguese and Spanish towns, and blasting through France, Belgium, Germany and Austria on a bus (or something like that). I'm not mentioning the over-the-border runs to Croatia to pick up my stuff... With the new laptop I can get some things done, finally (yay!) and now I can clean up the old one for things I can't do on Vista. Hopefully, I shall be a bit more productive in fannish and RL senses of the word in the fall once I feel less crazed...