(no subject)

Jun 09, 2005 21:02

Well school has almost fully come to a close, and saying I'm excited would be an understatement. It's so hard to get myself up for school now, with the heat and all that jazz. School today was a nightmare with the heat, but at least they didn't have us doing any real strenous work or I just might have passed out. After school i went and got my paycheck, and then megan and I went to KFC were mike hooked us up with some lunch/dinner ish? Then I dropped megan off, came home and worked on my term paper for english for 2 and a half solid hours until I finished it:) Then it was so hot and disgusting I decided to go swimming, so brett came over and him, the fam including myself swam for a good hour or so, then ate some popsicles, played some rummy, and we watched "mean girls" I <3 that movie, as I've prolly stated a million and a half times. Anyways, I took him home and now here I am... proofreading my paper, trying to stay cool, bracing myself for another day of school. Oh well..maybe my mom will let me leave half day or something..wow, that would be sweet, who knows, maybe I'll ask. Well thats about it<3
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