Mar 19, 2004 02:40
Our society is currently lagging. Knowledge is wasted everyday. Same is to time. The world lacks sharing. People have been so engrossed in competition and rivalry that they have forgotten one of the main purposes of their lives, to improve the whole human race in any way they can for a better future. Knowledge and time is wasted when nobody wants to share their findings or research. This in turn causes others to re-research on the same thing over and over again which wastes a lot of time. If everyone was to come out and share a bit of their knowledge and findings the world would surely improve much faster in every aspect imaginable. People would be able to concentrate on new topics and more knowledge can be gained at the same time. People would also be able to excel in their expertise and talents. An advantage of this sharing would be a speed up of the research process. For example, if Intel was to share knowledge with AMD, there may already be a stable 20GHz processor right now.
Sometimes knowledge can also be wasted when people forget. These people maybe the only ones holding the precious knowledge. And they hold the knowledge to themselves without anyone else knowing. This is a very common but bad practice in our current society. If something happens to that person, then all is gone. And re-research will be required. Also, right now, people are not even aware of what technology is being researched and when it has been invented, some do not even know how it works. An example is the computer processor, although most people do not know how it works, it is constantly being improved. Thus, there maybe a time in the future where people forget how it all started, forget the concept, forget the mistakes. If everyone was willing to share, everyone would be a basic computer technician and that would be considered basic knowledge by then. Now, most of you readers do not even know what is happening in your computer right now, the circuits, the transistors, the chips, everything.
One example of something that has already been globally shared is the development of Linux. Thus, the operating system is being developed and improved at a much higher rate than that of the Microsoft Windows operating systems.
But then again, if there is war like now, then this opening and sharing would not be possible. Peace is one of the main foundations of building such an ideal global community. It is not simple at all. In fact, the whole structure of the current community may have to change as well. If everyone was to share, then there would not be competition. Competition is also the main component for hastening research. Without this, there must be something else that would have to motivate and drive people to research and investigate. Or else, everyone would be sleeping in their laboratories doing nothing. By this time, we would also need a large goldmine of resources, so large that it would not deplete for an eon. That way, people would not have to face the rising prices of the new technology.
To conclude this short article, I would just like to say that I want the world to improve and be better for everyone.