Apr 13, 2006 19:18
well this week has been tough. what else is new. well school is school. we;ve been writing thank you notes in LMP to thank all the people who helped us for the trip. band is band. we have a donkey basketball game monday night...thats going to be hilarious!!! a bunch of people riding donkeys and playing basketball. it will be quite a night. band banquet is next thursday night. its formal...grrrr. i am wearing a black party dress that i've only worn once. i actually wore it to the hurricane ball last year. so hopefully jesse will go with me, if not then michael said he would go with me. prom is drawing closer everyday. i know there is someone who wants to ask me. hes a senior and he goes to church with me. he hasnt asked me yet. i think he will though. its funny...jesse and i are going out, yet hes going to prom with someone else. i told him that if someone asked me then i would go and hes fine with that. he promised a girl back in january that they would go together whether they were dating other people or not. it kinda ticks me off yet they've been best friends their whole lives. i dont know. i hope this guy asks me. if not then i may not even go to prom. therapy is almost over with. i have 2 more appointments left, then i go to the doctor next friday. i will know then whether i have to have this other surgery or not. more than likely i will, but its a very simple operation. this week i put my name on the list for drum major, flagline, and flagline captain. he told me to put my name on both just in case i cant do the other. so if i cant audition for flagline and captain then i will audition for drum major. so other than that nothing is going on here. well gotta go. love yall, sarah