Title: Stranger Than Fiction
Fandom: NCIS
klutzy_girlWord Count: 200
Characters/Pairings: Abby, McGee, Gibbs, Abby/McGee
Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS and never will. No copyright infringement intended.
Author's Note: Written for
lukecanwaltz88 for
this prompt. Happy birthday!
Summary: Abby and McGee try to explain to their friends how they wound up getting married.
Abby Sciuto tended to ramble, and today was no exception. She and McGee had been sent to Vegas to work a case, and ended up eloping. Now they were explaining the story to their extremely amused co-workers. Meanwhile, McGee was trying to ignore Gibbs’ glare.
“And that’s how we ended up getting married! Aren’t you happy for us?” The terrified newlyweds interlocked their hands and refused to let go as their friends congratulated him.
“If you hurt her, you will have me to answer to,” Gibbs told McGee. He then walked away with the rest of their co-workers, leaving the newly married couple alone.
“I love you, Abby.”
“I love you, too, Timmy.” She beamed at him and then the two kissed. They had worked through their issues and had gotten back together. The decision to marry? Had been impulsive, but they didn’t regret a single thing.
“So, want to place bets on how long it takes Tony and Ziva?”
“Hopefully not too long.”
“How about we go downstairs?” He wanted to go to her lab for some privacy.
“You think they believe us”?
“It’s stranger than fiction, Baby. Maybe.”
And then they walked off, laughing about their strange wedding.