FIC: Important Mission - 1/1

Sep 21, 2011 13:14

Title: Important Mission
Fandom: Eureka
Author: klutzy_girl
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Jack, references to Carter/Allison
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: One Giant Leap
Disclaimer: I don't own Eureka and never will. No copyright infringement intended.
Summary: Jack thinks about what to do next to stop a tragedy from occurring.

Jack Carter had never experienced fear like this before. When the ship started to break away with Allison trapped inside, his only thought was to save her and everyone else. What was he supposed to tell Kevin and Jenna if their mother dies?

He pushed those thoughts away and focused on what he needed to do so this mission went well. In the back of his mind, Jack realized Beverly had probably fucked with something, but he couldn’t think about that now.

Jack Carter wasn’t going to give up. He had to get to work and stop this from happening.

character: jack carter, fandom: fanfic, tv: eureka, pairing: allison/carter, fic: one-shot/drabble

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