Title: Mel and Joe's Family
Fandom: Melissa and Joey
klutzy_girl Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Mel, Joe
Disclaimer: I don't own Melissa and Joey and never will. No copyright infringement intended.
Summary: They started out hating each other, but slowly became a family.
Mel beamed at Joe as he taught Lennox and Ryder how to make one of their favorite meals. She loved him so much. Hard to believe they had started out hating each other. But slowly, the four of them became a family. Then, she and Joe eventually fell in love. The kids loved him, so they approved of the relationship.
Joe looked up to see Mel staring at him. He smiled back. He loved her, too. She was infuriating sometimes. Okay a lot, but she was still a great person and a wonderful mom.
Their family was weird, but fun.